[Freifunk-Bonn] Recent OpenWRT Builds: ath: phy0: Could not stop RX, we could be confusing the DMA engine when we start RX up

Jan Lühr ff at stephan.homeunix.net
Mi Feb 6 12:01:12 CET 2013


I'm new here - and this is my first post. I hope don't get flamed for bringing this up:

We stumbled up on some wifi issues in TP-Link wr741nd / 1043nd devices, while preparing OpenWRT Attitude Adjustment builds for our wifi community network (Freifunk KBU).
This issues appear to be tracked in  https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/11862 and https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/9654 .
Up to now we're unable to reproduce this issues in a deterministic manner :-(. Some nodes fail usually once in 2-3 days.

Can you provide more details on this issues? What's their current status from your point of view?
Can we help somehow? May we provide post-mortem traces / dumps?


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