[Freifunk-Bonn] Fwd: [DIY-ISP] Document about guifi.net's optical fiber network

kaleng kaleng at gokk.de
Mi Okt 29 00:11:41 CET 2014

Das dürfte auch für den ein oder anderen hier recht Interessant sein.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [DIY-ISP] Document about guifi.net's optical fiber network
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 18:42:47 +0200
From: Baptiste Jonglez <bjonglez at illyse.org>
Reply-To: Baptiste Jonglez <bjonglez at illyse.org>
To: diy-isp at lists.ffdn.org


This document from Guifi.net, about their fiber optic deployment in rural
areas, is really nice:


It's in English, which is pretty cool (most of guifi.net material is
unfortunately in Catalan or Spanish).

By the way, don't hesitate to add similar documents/resources here:



----- Forwarded message from Jaume Barcelo <jaume.barcelo at upf.edu> -----
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 17:52:02 +0200
From: Jaume Barcelo <jaume.barcelo at upf.edu>
To: bub at llistes.guifi.net
Reply-To: bub at llistes.guifi.net
Subject: [BuB] New documentation about android mesh and bub fiber

Hi bubers,

I share with you some additional material. Aleix's pilot "Android Mesh

And a document together with a set of slides describing the BuB fiber
deployments in Gurb:

Peace :)


http://handsonwsn.org Hands-on wireless sensor networks
We are trying to build an online peer-to-peer learning community

bub: https://llistes.guifi.net/sympa/arc/bub


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