[Freifunk-Bonn] Interview-Anfrage Deutsche Welle, 15 Minuten Radio-Talk
nunatak at mailbox.org
Fr Feb 27 00:31:53 CET 2015
Hi Freifunkas,
wir haben hier bei KBU eine sehr coole Anfrage von der Deutschen Welle
für ein Interview am Montag, wobei nun auch die Option für übernächsten
Montag im Raum steht. Das sollte am allerbesten jemand übernehmen, die/der
schon lange bei Freifunk aktiv ist, Medienerfahrung mitbringt und sehr flüssig
Englisch spricht. Sieht aktuell nach einem Radio/Podcast-Beitrag aus - die
Reichweite wird recht groß sein.
Wegen der aktuellen Diskussion um Paragraph 8 Telemediengesetz ist das
natürlich auch politisch recht brisant. Fairerweise sollen wir die Fragen vorab
bekommen. Je nachdem, was da für Fragen kommen können wir sicher sinnvolle
in dem Kontext noch vorschlagen, so das das rund wird.
Wie geschrieben wurde, hätten die am allerliebsten jemanden vor Ort. Wenn
also Montag in 10 Tagen eine Option ist, könnten sich das Freifunk-Medienprofis
mit Radiostimme ggf. einrichten.
Wer wäre die beste Kandidatin bzw. der beste Kandidat für sowas? Wie gehen
wir hier vor?
P.S. Was so an Mail bisher gelaufen ist, wg. Datenschutz etwas *******:
Hi Nunatak (****),
Thanks for your response!
I did indeed see that story in the General Anzeiger. This is a great topic
for DW to cover on our sci-tech show!
For us the best thing would be to get an informed person from your network
locally, either from Bonn or Cologne or otherwise nearby, who would be
willing to travel to our studio in Bonn-Gronau and do the interview in
person here. The sound quality is just so much better when done that way.
I am also looking into another interview possibility for this coming
Monday, so we could potentially push the discussion with your group to the
following Monday (09.03.). The radio show runs every week and it doesn't
seem like your initiative will lose momentum by then. I can be in touch
tomorrow (Friday) and let you know how that other possibility pans out; in
the meantime, perhaps you could try and track down who might be available
locally for either or both dates (in the afternoon around 14:00)?
Thanks again and kind regards,
Business and Science / Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft
Journalist, Editor, Producer / Journalistin, Redakteurin, Produzentin
Deutsche Welle
Tel: ***********
Datum: 26.02.2015 16:11
Betreff: Re: URGENT: Media inquiry, interview in English
Dear ****,
we are delighted to see so much interest in Freifunk over the past
couple of month. As you are located in Bonn you might have read
an article about Freifunk recently published by the local newspaper
General-Anzeiger which might have triggerd your interest:
There are many Freifunk initiatives distributed all over Germany
as you can catch a gimpse on at
http://freifunk.net/en/how-to-join/find-your-nearest-community/ .
So Freifunk-KBU is just one of those groups - and we are just loosely
organized people connected to a project of the Chaos Computer Club
If your interview is mainly about our Freifunk group in our local area,
we will shortly find someone for the interview. If your interest is about
Freifunk in general, we might do this as well or connect you to some
long-term players from Berlin were Freifunk started about 13 years ago.
Well, as the suggested date is approaching fast, that might not really be
an option, but we'll check that for you. In any case, there will be
someone from our group (fallback might be me) you could interview.
Feel free to send your questions in response. We might check details
via phone.
Thanks for the option to spread the idea of Freifunk via international
P.S. info at kbu.freifunk.net is a squite small mailing list of people
interested in Freifunk-KBU public relations. You may group relply to
this address that all are kept informed.
P.P.S. Nunatak is my nickname on Freifunk mailing lists. I got a real one
as well: ************
On Thursday 26 February 2015 11:47:18 you wrote:
> To Whom It May Concern,
> I am with Deutsche Welle, Germany's international broadcaster, which is
> based in Bonn. For our international science and technology radio program
> Spectrum (in English), we are interested in interviewing a person with
> your group about the Freifunk initiative. I am contacting you to see if
> someone would be available for a short interview in English on the topic
> for our next show. Ideally, this person would come this coming Monday
> (02.03.) to Deutsche Welle (Bonn-Gronau) at the beginning of our studio
> production time (around 14:00) for a short (15-minute) interview on this
> topic.
> I would be able to send some questions in advance to allow the person to
> better prepare her- or himself.
> Please let me know if this is at all possible -- I'd appreciate a quick
> response.
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