[Freifunk-Bonn] Interview-Anfrage Deutsche Welle, 15 Minuten Radio-Talk

Monic Meisel monic at monic.de
Fr Feb 27 12:30:32 CET 2015


wo ist denn VorOrt? Oder würden die auch jemanden wohin schicken?

LG Monic

Am 27.02.2015 um 00:31 schrieb Nunatak <nunatak at mailbox.org>:

> Hi Freifunkas,
> wir haben hier bei KBU eine sehr coole Anfrage von der Deutschen Welle
> für ein Interview am Montag, wobei nun auch die Option für übernächsten
> Montag im Raum steht. Das sollte am allerbesten jemand übernehmen, die/der
> schon lange bei Freifunk aktiv ist, Medienerfahrung mitbringt und sehr flüssig
> Englisch spricht. Sieht aktuell nach einem Radio/Podcast-Beitrag aus - die
> Reichweite wird recht groß sein.
> Wegen der aktuellen Diskussion um Paragraph 8 Telemediengesetz ist das
> natürlich auch politisch recht brisant. Fairerweise sollen wir die Fragen vorab
> bekommen. Je nachdem, was da für Fragen kommen können wir sicher sinnvolle
> in dem Kontext noch vorschlagen, so das das rund wird.
> Wie geschrieben wurde, hätten die am allerliebsten jemanden vor Ort. Wenn
> also Montag in 10 Tagen eine Option ist, könnten sich das Freifunk-Medienprofis
> mit Radiostimme ggf. einrichten. 
> Wer wäre die beste Kandidatin bzw. der beste Kandidat für sowas? Wie gehen
> wir hier vor? 
> Gruß,
> Nunatak
> P.S. Was so an Mail bisher gelaufen ist, wg. Datenschutz etwas *******:
> [--Schnipp--]
> Hi Nunatak (****),
> Thanks for your response! 
> I did indeed see that story in the General Anzeiger. This is a great topic 
> for DW to cover on our sci-tech show!
> For us the best thing would be to get an informed person from your network 
> locally, either from Bonn or Cologne or otherwise nearby, who would be 
> willing to travel to our studio in Bonn-Gronau and do the interview in 
> person here. The sound quality is just so much better when done that way.
> I am also looking into another interview possibility for this coming 
> Monday, so we could potentially push the discussion with your group to the 
> following Monday (09.03.). The radio show runs every week and it doesn't 
> seem like your initiative will lose momentum by then. I can be in touch 
> tomorrow (Friday) and let you know how that other possibility pans out; in 
> the meantime, perhaps you could try and track down who might be available 
> locally for either or both dates (in the afternoon around 14:00)?
> Thanks again and kind regards, 
> ***********
> Business and Science / Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft
> Journalist, Editor, Producer / Journalistin, Redakteurin, Produzentin
> Deutsche Welle
> http://www.dw.de/
> Tel: ***********
> [--Schnipp--]
> Datum:  26.02.2015 16:11
> Betreff:        Re: URGENT: Media inquiry, interview in English
> Dear ****,
> we are delighted to see so much interest in Freifunk over the past
> couple of month. As you are located in Bonn you might have read
> an article about Freifunk recently published by the local newspaper
> General-Anzeiger which might have triggerd your interest:
> http://www.general-anzeiger-bonn.de/bonn/bonn/bonn-zentrum/In-Bonn-waechst-das-Freifunk-Netz-article1568656.html
> There are many Freifunk initiatives distributed all over Germany
> as you can catch a gimpse on at
> http://freifunk.net/en/how-to-join/find-your-nearest-community/ .
> So Freifunk-KBU is just one of those groups - and we are just loosely
> organized people connected to a project of the Chaos Computer Club
> Cologne. 
> If your interview is mainly about our Freifunk group in our local area,
> we will shortly find someone for the interview. If your interest is about
> Freifunk in general, we might do this as well or connect you to some
> long-term players from Berlin were Freifunk started about 13 years ago.
> Well, as the suggested date is approaching fast, that might not really be
> an option, but we'll check that for you. In any case, there will be
> someone from our group (fallback might be me) you could interview.
> Feel free to send your questions in response. We might check details
> via phone.
> Thanks for the option to spread the idea of Freifunk via international
> broadcast.
> Sincerely,
> Nunatak
> P.S. info at kbu.freifunk.net is a squite small mailing list of people 
> interested in Freifunk-KBU public relations. You may group relply to
> this address that all are kept informed.
> P.P.S. Nunatak is my nickname on Freifunk mailing lists. I got a real one
> as well: ************
> [--Schnipp--]
> On Thursday 26 February 2015 11:47:18 you wrote:
>> To Whom It May Concern,
>> I am with Deutsche Welle, Germany's international broadcaster, which is 
>> based in Bonn. For our international science and technology radio program 
>> Spectrum (in English), we are interested in interviewing a person with 
>> your group about the Freifunk initiative. I am contacting you to see if 
>> someone would be available for a short interview in English on the topic 
>> for our next show. Ideally, this person would come this coming Monday 
>> (02.03.) to Deutsche Welle (Bonn-Gronau) at the beginning of our studio 
>> production time (around 14:00) for a short (15-minute) interview on this 
>> topic.
>> I would be able to send some questions in advance to allow the person to 
>> better prepare her- or himself.
>> Please let me know if this is at all possible -- I'd appreciate a quick 
>> response.

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