[Freifunk-Bonn] Fwd: [WLANware] [ANNOUNCE] Gluon v2017.1.3

Ramon Waldherr rampone at gmail.com
Mi Okt 4 22:59:51 CEST 2017

THX nochmal @yanosz:

We should release a New Version...
---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------
Von: "Matthias Schiffer" <mschiffer at universe-factory.net>
Datum: 04.10.2017 22:50
Betreff: [WLANware] [ANNOUNCE] Gluon v2017.1.3
An: <gluon at luebeck.freifunk.net>
Cc: "Freifunk Firmware Entwicklung" <firmware-devel at freifunk.net>,
"WLANware" <wlanware at freifunk.net>

we have just made the new Gluon maintenance release v2017.1.3.

Besides some minor bugfixes listed in the full changelog, *this release
fixes various critical vulnerabilities* in the Gluon core component dnsmasq
that can potentially be used for Remote Code Execution (CVEs:
CVE-2017-13704, CVE-2017-14491, CVE-2017-14492, CVE-2017-14493,
CVE-2017-14494, 2017-CVE-14495 and 2017-CVE-14496). Upgrading to Gluon
v2017.1.3 is highly recommended.

Full release notes:


-- NeoRaider

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