[Freifunk-Bonn] Visitor in Cologne/Siegen

Allgemeine Mailingliste zum Freifunk Köln, Bonn und Umgebung freifunk-bonn at lists.kbu.freifunk.net
Mo Jul 9 10:58:46 CEST 2018

Dear Freifunk,
Ich spreche kein Deutsch, tut mir leid.

I hope everyone is fine.
In the last three years, I have been working with a rural community in the Amazon rainforest, where they built a tower to receive internet link sent from the university across the river. They have interest in bulging a network to connect households in the region.
So, an organic producer and leader from that place is coming to Cologne and I would like to show him how Freifunk works here in Cologne, Bonn or Siegen.

Is someone interested in meeting in the next couple of days to show equipments, tools, theory, believes, etc!? :)   
I will be the translator from English, but if you know a Brazilian who speaks German, it would be better, right? 

I am happy to chat on Telegram, Signal or WhatsApp: +49 17684955294.

Vielen Dank,
Debora Leal

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