[Freifunk-Bonn] Teilnehmende gesucht (GSOC) // Fwd: Re: [WLANnews] [ICVPN] Ideas wanted for Google Summer of Code 2018
freifunk at yanosz.net
Do Jan 4 12:29:13 CET 2018
Hallo folks,
in der Freifunk-Community gibt es wieder Bewegung sich für den Google of
Code zu bewerben. Bis zum 23.11. müssen alle Vorschläge eingegangen sein.
Vom Angebot her ist der Googe Summer of Code eine Art Stipendium an
Studierende, die in den Semesterferien etwas zu OpenSource-Projekten
beitragen wollen - Betreuer erhalten auch eine kleine
Aufwandsentschädigung (*).
Falls Ihr Interesse habt, gebt einfach Bescheid und stellt Projekte ein.
Gruß, yanosz
(*) Wer hier eine möglichen Interessen- / Zielkonflikt sieht - so wie
ich - könnte die Aufwandsentschädigung an Vereine wie den C4 e.V. spenden.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: Re: [WLANnews] [ICVPN] Ideas wanted for Google Summer of Code 2018
Datum: Wed, 3 Jan 2018 12:47:56 +0100
Von: Andreas Bräu <ab at andi95.de>
Antwort an: Deutschlandweite Liste für WLAN Neuigkeiten
<wlannews at freifunk.net>
An: Deutschlandweite Liste für WLAN Neuigkeiten <wlannews at freifunk.net>
I wish you a happy new year and I have news regarding the projects page.
There's a simpler way to see if your project file is valid:
If you look up your project file in github, the file is rendered. What
you need to see is a table above the main text. It should look like
Then your file is most probably valid for merging. You don't need to
install jekyll and so on.
Please add your projects ASAP, as the application period for orgs will
start tomorrow.
If you want to reuse ideas from last year, see this page:
Best regards
On 22.12.2017 07:33, Andreas Bräu wrote:
> Hi there,
> I recently updated the README on our projects content’s repository with
> a description how to test your changes
> locally: https://github.com/freifunk/projects.freifunk.net-contents
> Please add your ideas ASAP as we have to start with our application on
> January 4th.
> If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
> Thanks,
> Andi
>> Am 27.11.2017 um 23:14 schrieb Andreas Bräu <ab at andi95.de
>> <mailto:ab at andi95.de>>:
>> today I finished the work on the deployment process of the new
>> projects portal. So feel free to add your ideas now. We need them
>> until the beginning of
>> January: https://github.com/freifunk/projects.freifunk.net-contents
>> Thank you,
>> Andi
>>> Am 22.11.2017 um 00:22 schrieb Andreas Bräu <ab at andi95.de
>>> <mailto:ab at andi95.de>>:
>>> Hi there,
>>> GSoC 2017 is barely over, GSoC 2018 will start soon. Next year the
>>> application period is earlier than the last years. So we need to
>>> start collecting ideas earlier, too.
>>> To improve the presentation of our ideas, I’d like to use a new
>>> software: https://projects.freifunk.net/ The tool was introduced and
>>> showed at the mentors summit by Coala.
>>> It changes the way of adding ideas, it has to be done via
>>> GitHub: https://github.com/freifunk/projects.freifunk.net-contents
>>> What do you think about this? Should we use that instead of our wiki
>>> page?
>>> I’ll add an automatic deployment within the next days, so your ideas
>>> will be deployed after a commit to the repository.
>>> Best,
>>> Andi
>>> —
>>> Andreas Bräu
>>> XMPP: andibraeu at jabber.weimarnetz.de
>>> <xmpp:andibraeu at jabber.weimarnetz.de>
>>> Twitter:@evAltenberga <https://twitter.com/evaltenberga>
>>> Blog:https://blog.andi95.de <https://blog.andi95.de/>
>>> PGP:0xB7E04818
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